Fennel and Lavender


** Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs. **
This tall wispy perennial is a staple of both chefs and herbal physicians. It’s stems ,which
Have a sweet anise flavor can be eaten just like celery;its seeds which are actually one seeded fruits spice up recipes for fish and other dishes and contain the most medicinal action.It is a member of the parsley family.
Fennel is a good digestive aid that relieves gas ,quells spasms facilitates breathing,helps break up chest congestion and reduces inflammation.


The Pleasantly powerful distinctive fragrance of the beautiful flowered plant has been popular since the earliest days of recorded history. Lavender was used in ancient Egypt for embalming and cosmetics. In tombs, jars filled with unguents containing something resembling lavender were found. These agents were used only by the royal families and high priests in cosmetics, massage oils, and medicines.
Seventeenth-century lavender was found in most herbals as a cure all. The great English herbalists all wrote about lavender. Great interest was generated and lavender street sellers appeared. Prices were high during the Great Plague of 1665, when lavender was thought to protect against this terrible disease.

Therapeutic uses
Gas,insomnia,intestinal disease,lack of appetite,nervousness,restlessness,stomachache
Diabetes,gallbladder problems,indigestion
Folk uses: Cancer,colds,dementia,depression,headache,stress and skin problems
One or two lavender flowers in a cup of hot water several times a day.One half to one teaspoon lavender tincture daily  or one ounce or more of dried lavender flowers sprinkled in bathwater.Do not ingest the oil only on skin or bath.


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