
Showing posts from May, 2018

Am I finally spring

I am Finally Spring It is a relief to dare to know what is true     That I am Existing right now I am far away from myself                       I realize that this is all I know  I am afraid inside it is all so dark                There is a light that will guide me I`m close but not ready,running far away from self   larger than I can imagine when I stay I am there,myself is everything I never dared knowing my will is stronger than myself Never dared to feel I am finally Spring I ask of you only one thing to follow the light don't let me fade away stay with me through the cosmos keep me close to your  bosom all the colors splashing at my face so I may feel the breeze tHE  MIRACULOUS   tHINGS TRY WORLD HAS TO OFFER WE  OFTEN  TAKE  FOR GRANTED wE AS HUMAN BEINGS OFTEN DO NOT  THINK  ...

Black cohosh

Black cohosh The perennial plant ,topped with longplume of large white flowers grows wild throughout the Ohio river vally and the eastern deciduous forests. Black Cohosh is used for nervosness,spasms,neuralgia,menstrual pains,just before and during labor,asthma and coughs. Ideally it should be given in combination with other herbs. For nerousness and insommia combine equal parts black cohosh root,skullcap,wood betony,passion flower, valerian and half part cayenne pepper.To releve artthritis it can be combined with equal parts of angelica root,prickly ash and guiacum.For ashthma and broncial spasms it is combined with wild cherry bark, elecampane root and mullein. Herbal supplements are dietary supplements derived from nature. Herbal plants or parts of a plant are broken down and used for their scent, flavor and therapeutic benefits. When taken as a supplement, they can deliver strong benefits, however, herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA and can have dangerou...